
Pou Kanohi 



As a twin gallery to the successful Pou Maumahara Research Centre adjacent in the Auckland Museum we were commissioned to develop another exhibition also focusing on WW1. Both galleries feature beautiful and historic sky-lit spaces and this gallery looks at the unfolding global story of WW1 within a strong New Zealand context.  A central curvilinear wall traces a chronology of the 5 years of conflict with individual objects in distinctive cases delineating the major events. These events are described by a mix of text panels, photographs and graphic novel treatments with the objects providing a deep personal framework. 

In adjacent spaces surrounding the central chronology questions are prompted, asking the visitor to contextualize their own views and insights to the conflict. Themes covered include the motivation to go with a particularly New Zealand perspective; the physical hardships and needs of soldiers on the battlefield; the technological developments throughout the war; faith, rituals and the deceased; with the exterior of the curvilinear wall depicting aspects of the home front.  Over the course of the development we worked closely with various artists ensuring a strong iwi presence throughout the exhibition. In both Pou Maumahara and Pou Kanohi we worked along-side museum staff, contractors and specialists, and were pivotal in securing external funding for this project.